Tuesday, March 22, 2005


it's wednesday 10:19am and i don't want to be where i am right now.

possible alternate dimensions:
1. the movie theatre - i wonder what's on...
2. the mall - shopping always lifts my spirits up
3. the dentist - it's never-ending
4. the beach - my abs are in need of vitamin D
5. the pool - see number 4
6. the province - hello? manila is almost empty, save for drones like me

Friday, March 18, 2005

the blue bikini

so i was supposed to go to galera tomorrow with my buds but it just was not meant to be.

(1) the dentist
i went to the dentist last night to, what else, have my teeth checked and the dentist says i have to go back tomorrow (which means today) or on saturday and that it just cant wait.

(2) the job
going to the beach on the weekend meant that i had to unload all the backlog that i have accumulated plus the 2 newsletters that i sent out weekly plus the documents i have to fill in and check plus the daily grind i have to contend with. well you get the idea.

(3) extra moolah
nothing material in life is free, well most of the time, so if i wanna get mo money, some work has to be done. there's this paper that i could write w/c will give me a third of what i get for one whole month. not bad for 3-5 days work.
just had to squeeze it in.

since i'm gonna miss galera this saturday, might as well do the sideline thingie.

as for now, it's booze night friday.

no galera tomorrow, so maybe i'll just take a dip in the pool on sunday.

in case you're wondering why it's named blue bikini, well, i bought myself another one today at lunch time. hehehe

still hoping to hit the beach :-) summer has just started.