Tuesday, April 26, 2005

mad max and the super mamas

i'd like to think that this would be another ordinary morning commute but no, i just had to take a ride with mad max and the super mamas.

10 minutes at the bus stop and a white taxi takes the u-turn. please let it be *******. yes! first one in. 1st mama gets in too and takes the seat beside me. down the street mama no.2 gets on board with her little girl.

turns out mama no.1 and mama no.2 knows each other. welcome to their world.

after the usual hellos they talked about their hijos muy bonito and the college entrance tests they plan to let the boys take. and their boys' crushes. of agressive girls and how (silly) boys lose their future through them. and other stuff other people around them do not really care about but cannot help but hear.

all this while mad max takes all the possible 'short cuts' there is taking into consideration that (1) the traffic jam should be worse than the original route (2) the path taken may not necessarily be for vehicles (read: sidewalk) (3) the short cut is at least twice the displacement of the original route.

i wanted to go autistic and play games on my phone but the battery's empty.

oh well. one's testimony is another's gossip.

Monday, April 11, 2005

dip me!

i swam for three consecutive nights at the pool with my good friend ailyn. first two nights at amy's place and the third at the ateneo.

we were supposed to have done it 4 nights in a row, were it not for cleaning day on wednesday.

night 1. thursday.
we went with amy to the pool at the rooftop of the condo and amy lounged while we took a dip at the pool. met 2 cute koreans at the pool. we tagged them as cholo and tristan after the lead characters in a korean soap opera. won d race against tristan. :-)

egotrip friday.
i chatted with my er, chatmate, on friday and told him about our swim last night. he got jealous, ha! figure that! we haven't even met. hmm... feeding the ego won't hurt hehehehe

night 2. friday.
this time amy did not come with us. toxic workload. we went up and chatted in between laps. we had quite a discussion on crushes and felt like two giddy highschool girls. in the end, we decided on the theme song of the night (theme from stairway to heaven) which went like this: langit ka at lupa ako. hanggang tanaw na lang ba tayo? (you are heaven and i'm earth. is gazing at each other, all we can do?) haha. how sad.

third day. saturday afternoon.
went to ateneo for a dip and guess who i saw? my college professor!!! inorganic chemistry lecturer to be exact. it took me about 10 minutes to remember who he was. hehehe. hi sir leon! after the formalities (in our bathing suits at that) we learned that he wants to get a job outside the university. oh well, a little change does not hurt. :-)

i rewarded myself with a roll of chocolate cake after that. oh well. there's always badminton on tuesday... hope we meet new people there too. :-)

Friday, April 1, 2005

now what?

today is my 3rd day as a 26 year old and this is the start of my employment's limbo status.

yes. limbo. i am working, but i'm unemployed right now.

my contract expired yesterday and the extension has not been worked out and here i am slaving away. pro bono.

i dunno what my mom's reaction was when i told her about this yesterday. i guess i was afraid to see what it was so i just headed straight to my room after giving her a peck on the cheek.

you see, i treated them out to dinner two nights ago at some steakhouse along Libis. why that steakhouse? well, bunsoy says he hasn't eaten there (so did we) and he wants to "experience" it. so despite the advice from my good friend charlie on not to go there, we still went ahead with it. (you see just the night before that, we had a memorial mass and dinner for my dad and our family's friends and most of my friends considered the dinner as part of the celebration my birthday next day.)

so there we were, eating away the complimentary dessert ( a birthday present from the dining place) and filling out the survey forms, when we asked for the bill.

holy crap. the first thing that came into my mind was - i could have bought several pairs of shoes from that high end shoe store i was eyeing and still have change left. or maybe that ridiculous dress that looked like second skin on me.

six and a half grand (roughly US$120) for a meal for seven. dang. at least the steak was good. some experience that was.

maybe last year i would not bat an eyelash for that amount. last year, i was not the family breadwinner. now, i am 26, head of the family, with at least a seven grand bill on my plastic next month and in job limbo today. btw, next month is enrolment time...hmmm.

my nape is aching. gotta cut down on cholesterol or i'm dead.