Monday, February 26, 2007

teriyaki = chinese food (not!)

Last Saturday, I rode the an Ayala-C5 Tamaraw FX on my way to Play Underground, the wall climbing gym at the Powerplant Mall. I was seated beside the driver and there were two middle-aged ladies at the back. The radio was not playing, so I amused myself with the mindless chatter in the van.

Lady 1 (bewildered):
You mean to say that you go to the market everyday?

Lady 2:
Yes. I like roaming around the place. I eat alone most of the time. I particularly like eating at Teriyaki Boy* - yung Chinese food? Mahilig ako sa Chinese food.
(I like Chinese food.)

(Note to self: Order Kani salad and Chicken Teriyaki Don AND NOT wanton noodle soup at Teriyaki Boy.)

*Teriyaki Boy is a local resto serving JAPANESE food.

Currently feeling: amused

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