Monday, March 10, 2008

beyond skindeep

I was looking at some pictures of hottie olivier martinez and found myself wondering why the h*** he looks so familiar.

Then it struck me... he looked just like someone I used to date.

We meet people everyday. Unless you live under a rock, in a bomb shelter with all the food that will last you a lifetime, or in some remote area with no internet nor phone connection, you eventually have to go out and see other people - some of whom may eventually spark your interest.

Some decide not to do anything about it, but there are those who take that extra step and get themselves noticed.

If you're both interested enough, you go out on dates to know each other better.

You find yourselves enjoying each other's company and at the same time, find answers to your questions.

What makes you happy?
What's the best way to spend 48 hours of free time?
What movies do you go out and watch?
Do you believe in a higher being?
Do you read books?
What do you do when faced with a dilemma?
How do you treat people in the services sector?
How often do you talk with your family?
Who are your friends?
What are your goals and dreams?
What's your view on retail therapy?
Are you on drugs?
Do you smoke?
What would you do with a hundred million pesos (tax free)?

Et cetera.

Et cetera.

Et cetera.

Eventually you decide if it's a go or a no.

While there are some who offer more or less a complete package, there will be cases where there is no fudge under all that icing. Sometimes there are differences that are just plain irreconcilable or simply that you lose interest...

You find yourself thinking that there is no such thing as truth in advertising or for the fatalists - it's not meant to be.

Caveat emptor... until the next hottie comes along and you find yourself blinded by the juicy packaging.

As my orgmate in college used to say, "all man-woman relationships start with lust." Do you agree with him?

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  1. i disagree.

    and we've heard that a lot more on gay relationships. i disagree pa rin.

  2. oh, the guy from "Unfaithful" eh? he doesn't look very good recently... more... haggard...ish...

  3. @ cant_u_read: i get mixed reactions on this... some say men are more visually stimulated or something.

    but yeah, the first impression thing goes across the board m2m, m2w, w2w...

    @ brazen lass: yup, same guy and yes he does look kinda haggard recently...
