Sunday, April 20, 2008

dessert overload

Lately, I've allowed myself to indulge on these yummy treats...

Click on it to go to the larger image.
blueberry cheesecake
dome cake
mango cheesecake

Oh well, I guess you can put this on my tab...

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

superman is in the building

Last night, I was checking my mail and I got this notification from Facebook. Apparently, Superman (not his real name) has sent a flirt to me.

Interesting. Superman flirted with supergirl (my other alias). ehehehe...

So I checked my account and opened the application to see who it was.

Woah! The guy looked eerily familiar, i.e. people you occasionally bump into within the office building kinda familiar!!!

Upon further probing, I found out that he really was that guy.

He was one of the rare cute guys at work, albeit from another department. Cute, but a bit old though, like in his 40s type of old and he has an FB account(!). I must admit he does resemble Superman a bit, more so if he would turn brunette.

I was this close to sending a flirt back at him. Too bad he's married.

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rant or rave?

It has been over a month since I have switched boats and may I say that this has been one of the most productive periods in my professional career by far. As of this writing, I have reviewed about 9-inch tall pile of back-to-back letter-sized documents (e.g. laws, policies, reports, proposals, studies, academic articles), and have written brief policy analyses and recommendations for the said documents. In between these periods of enlightenment, I have attended seminars and conferences, in which the main points of each have been succinctly summarized in less than five sentences or a few bullet points.

Picture me as sponge and food processor rolled into one where you dump all the food - in this case work-related brain food - you can find, squeeze out all but the necessary essences, and throw out the pulp faster than you can say “Hey! Hey! Are you OK? Unresponsive. No breathing, no pulse. Call EMS!"

To accommodate all these things, I needed, on average, an 11-hour daily working schedule. This left little time for non-work things, such as going to the gym, shopping, meeting co-workers/friends/potential mates, and sometimes even eating lunch/snacks/dinner. This sent a clear message to me: “Don’t even think about enrolling in grad school while you’re doing this gig or you’ll die early.”

Ironically, for my superiors, I still come across as ‘bored’ and it seemed that my time was ‘underutilized.’ They felt that I potentially can accommodate wider involvement and assist them more in their work. Thus, they gave me more food on my plate.

Does this mean that I make this gig look easy and stress-free?

Damn. I make this look good.

I’m not sure if I should be flattered though.

I need to change strategies without compromising my commitments or else I might soon be missing out on my youth or what’s left of it.

Time check: 1811h... Here's to hoping the check is IN THE MAIL.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

hammertime with soulja boy

the orange boys from the big house have done it again. here are the filipino inmates in cebu dancing to the beat of soulja boy and mc hammer. i wish i could dance at least half as good as they do. :D

some of them are really into it, don't you think?

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

south park kid

what would you look like if you were suddenly plucked from your seat and whisked off to south park?

that would be me if they caught me in my work clothes earlier today. just add the bag and the pc. ;-p

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Pretty food

As usual, the cafeteria has run out of palatable things to offer. You have to hand it to those guys though. They use food presentation to compensate for taste.

This is my lunch - a humungous Hungarian sausage with fries on the side and a dip (not shown) made of ketchup and hot sauce.

For dessert, I had sugarless bittersweet chocolate mousse.

Nice, no?

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billie jean's all covered up

When I saw David Cook perform a cover of Billie Jean on American Idol 7 a few weeks ago, he instantly became one of my faves. It was brilliant. He was brilliant. He could win this thing. Seriously. Eliminating that other pa-cute David A would help too.

It turned out that it was a cover of Chris Cornell's cover of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean, as Ryan Seacrest had announced before David Cook's performance. I resolved to find a clip that showed Chris Cornell's version just to make sure. Here's Cornell singing it live in Sweden.

Yup, it was... a cover of a cover. Here was Chris Cornell's reaction to David Cook's performance.

Cook's and Cornell's covers were great but there's nothing like the original. Tantananan... Here's Michael Jackson (before he fully transformed from a black man into a white lady) singing Billie Jean.

Don't you just love MJ's video? They really amp the drama factor back in the '80s. Ahhh... YouTube is my friend. LOL

Which version of Billie Jean do you like best?
(a) Michael Jackson's original
(b) Chris Cornell's cover
(c) David Cook's cover of Chris Cornell's cover of Michael Jackson's original

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