Thursday, April 17, 2008

superman is in the building

Last night, I was checking my mail and I got this notification from Facebook. Apparently, Superman (not his real name) has sent a flirt to me.

Interesting. Superman flirted with supergirl (my other alias). ehehehe...

So I checked my account and opened the application to see who it was.

Woah! The guy looked eerily familiar, i.e. people you occasionally bump into within the office building kinda familiar!!!

Upon further probing, I found out that he really was that guy.

He was one of the rare cute guys at work, albeit from another department. Cute, but a bit old though, like in his 40s type of old and he has an FB account(!). I must admit he does resemble Superman a bit, more so if he would turn brunette.

I was this close to sending a flirt back at him. Too bad he's married.

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