Monday, June 23, 2008

mine game

here's another boredom zapper. this time, you need to switch two mines to form four adjacent ones and clear the mines before the burglars come.

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

playing doctor

typhoon frank is still here. the rain has not let up and we're stuck in the house. time for some online games.

here is house m.d.'s running diagnostics game from axn. the objective of the game is to aid the other doctors in their diagnostics and avoid the patients. enjoy!

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

tiis ganda *

Maggie Feller: Shoes like these should not be locked in a closet! They should be living a life of scandal, and pasion and getting screwed in an alleyway by a billionaire while his frigid wife waits in the limo thinking that he just went back into the bar to get his cellphone. These are cute too.
Rose Feller: Please tell me you just made that up.
Maggie Feller: Look, if you're not going to wear them... don't buy them! Leave them for someone who's going to get something out of them.
Rose Feller: I get something out of them! When I feel bad I like to treat myself. Clothes never look any good... food just makes me fatter... shoes always fit.
- From the movie In her shoes (2005)

I just got bought another pair of shoes today. It's my second pair in 72 hours.

I bought the first pair Saturday night before going to the movies. They were peep-toe black patent wedges that were too cute to pass up, plus the seller gave me 15% off. That same night, I prepped my toenails with a fresh coat of red nail polish to complete the look.


Today's the first time I wore the peeptoes to work. I hadn't thought much of it until I reached our floor and I could not take another step without wincing. The friggin' shoes scraped my heels!!! I was close to tears by the time I reached my office. Good thing I have my trusty flipflops on standby or I would have gone off to lunch barefooted. I guess it's one of them pairs of trauma shoes again...

So there I was at lunchtime, in my office garb and sporty flipflops. I rushed to the mall with my friend to get a new pair of shoes or office-worthy sandals and some band-aids. Here's what I bought at lunchtime.


On hindsight, I think they're too freakishly girly they belong to the land of pink-splashed rooms with cuddly teddy bears straight from Sanrio.

They're so me.
tiis ganda - (Tagalog) It's when you place beauty over pain.

Related posts: feeling imeldific, shoe fetish

ETA: pictures

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Monday, June 16, 2008

bag hag and her mobile

my mobile phone had a problem with its speakers. it was mute for a while and the only alarm it was capable of giving was through vibrating and blinking. this meant delayed responses to my messages and/or calls unless (1) the thing is strapped to my body or (2) it is staring right at me.

it was the people around me who got more irked than i would have with the unexpected phone silence. "papalitan mo na yang phone mo!," [make them replace your phone (unit)] said my sister in her usual breathy, high pitched voice.

i kinda liked the silence, but yeah she had a point. it was the second time that it failed me within six months upon purchase.

i tried to appease her. "yeah sure. i'll just gather all the peripherals and bring the whole set to the shop. i'll make them eat my mobile phone and all its accessories one-by-one." i said jokingly.

right. as soon as i find the data cable...

and so the search began. i rummaged through all the bags that i've used when i last saw the data cable. when i said all, i meant close to thirty bags/purses/what-have-yous in my room.

i saw at least 2 red handbags, 3 backpacks, a gym bag, 2 office bags which i have yet to use, about 5 tote bags, a tiny glittery purple shoulder bag, a fuchsia sling bag, 2 black office bags of the same size, a tan office bag, 2 black clutches, and so on.

bag hag. that's me.

i found the data cable, by the way, and went to the mall with my girlfriends last saturday to "feed the mobile phone and all its accessories" to the phone-geeks (pig out and watch a movie afterwards).

i calmly explained the situation to the phone tech and said i would be amenable to have the phone replaced with a new identical unit or a new but different model. she said we may go back after an hour for the diagnosis.

i now have the same phone... with sounds!

it turned out that the speakers was plugged with dirt. :P

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