Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Death by Ennui

It's been a while since I last posted here. The test post doesn't really count.

I've been meaning to write more, if only I haven't been drowning in a bottomless pit that is ennui.

Yes, ennui... as in boredom.

Lately, it's been Groundhog day one after the other. Frankly, I'm getting sick of it.

I'm sure there is more to life than breathing in and out, or playing with puppies - cute as they may, or reading.

The optimist in me says things can only get better, but at the moment, Polyanna is on life support (figuratively)  .

Don't worry, I'm sure Little Miss Bubbly or Sarcastic is still in there somewhere, but in the mean time, I'll be around the corner on the lookout for my rightful place under the sun and hopefully back to my perky self.

Au revoir!

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