Tuesday, June 21, 2005

coldblooded play

have you ever had that awkward feeling when you know that someone is doing something just to stir a reaction from you?

symptoms from exhibit b1:

eating time chatter:
you would think that it was just a normal exchange amongst friends until someone interjects:
b1: i mean, fuchsia girl, if you were my girlfriend, would you get mad if i tell you what to wear or what not to wear?
me (obviously not b1's girlfriend): yes. if your advice was unsolicited, i would be mad.
girlash1: i agree. it's ok for you guys to tell us what to wear only if we asked for your thoughts.

flashback a few months earlier:
b1: fuchsia girl, wag ka masyado mag-heels, mas matangkad ka na sa akin nyan... (don't wear (high) heels too often, you'll appear taller than me...)
me: e ano naman kung tumangkad ako sa 'yo? (so what if i (appeared) taller than you?)

still earlier:
b1: what are those holes for? (referring to the tiny holes bored into my shirt that revealed a hint of abs)
me (sarcastic): e ano pa? para aircon. sheesh. (what else? (it's) for air conditioning (purposes))
b1 (sly smile): alam mo naman ako, may pornographic memory. (you know me. i have pornographic memory.)

ACHTUNG! disturbing mental images. DISTURBING. MENTAL. IMAGES.

fast forward after the vacay (after we went to the beach in my bikini-clad self):
b1: sige na chokoleyt, patulan mo na si thundercat1 (known to have girlfriends half his age and then have nude paintings with them). susunod nyan ikaw na ang may mga nude paintings kasama sya. (go on fuchsia girl, get it on with thundercat1. in the end you'll also have nude paintings with him)
me: (to myself: i do admit that t1 does look hot even at his age, but he's no Brad Pitt. i still have to let out a blood-curdling...) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

prognosis: cute ka sana b1 and there are times that you do look hot. there are a lot of instances when i believe that we really are on the same wavelength and that the feeling is mutual. dapat lang natin parehong tandaan na may girlfriend ka na. do not think that i'm not aware that some of your advances are bordering on sexual harrassment.

diagnosis: gosh, kung pwede lang ba at kung gugustuhin ko lang talaga, e di matagal na kitang hinila. harharharharharhar [no translation needed]

i can go on rambling about exhibit b2, exhibit t1, etc. but the point is, we are not children anymore, nor are we pimply adolescents (well, we do get the occasional pimples here and there, but that's beside the point). Just like our toys that we now like to refer as gadgets (dude, check out my new watch/ car/ cam-phone/ multi-cam/ i-pod/ shoes/ earrings/ skirt/ boytoy(!)), our 'plays' have also evolved from the innocent bahay-bahayan. it just feels weird when i recall how i wanted to be this-and-that when i was a kid, only to end up being this-and-that and staring at the reflection of a kid in an adult's body.

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