Thursday, January 31, 2008

because i'm still awake at 00:17h

here's a meme for you...

Be honest. --- rrriggghhht...

1. What do you want for your birthday?
- piolo pascual, a massage, and chocolate kiss cafe's devil's food cake

in case you're wondering, it's the spiky white chocolate cake at the bottom. (photo from chocolate kiss cafe's website)

2. Who will be your next kiss?
- it depends :P

3. When was the last time you went to the mall?
- tonight

4. Are you wearing socks right now?
- no

5. How did you spend your summer?
- went to several places where people get wet and sweaty :D - beaches, theme parks, bars, etc. oi, what were you thinking?

6. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days?
- nope

7. What was the last thing you had to drink?
- water

8. What are you wearing right now?
- nighties

9. What was your last purchase?
- dulce de leche cake by red ribbon

10. What was the last food you ate?
- isdang sinigang sa bayabas at kanin

11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep?
- secret :P

12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
- nope

13. Do you have a pet?
- lots

14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days?
- a lot actually, we could go on and on with this item alone

15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
- at the beach chugging beer while singing and playing guitar with friends

16. What is the last thing you purchased online?
- airplane tickets

17. One thing you hate about yourself?
- thunder thighs

19. Do you miss anyone?
- not anymore! whahahahaha

20. What are your plans for the day?
- go to work then go wallclimbing later

21. Last person you msg'd?
- niƱa

22. Ever went to camp?
- we camped out on the beach last week :D nakapunta na rin ako ng camp crame, camp aguinaldo, camp john hay... wahahahaha

23. Are you a good student in school?
- op kors whahahaha

24. What do you know about the (your) future?
- i'll probably be waking up one day wondering where in the world i am and whether there is a jollibee or starbucks nearby

25. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
- yup. light blue by dolce and gabbana

26. Where is/are your best friend/s right now?
- nagkalat sila... yung isa nasa canada, yung tatlo nasa pasig, yung isa nasa makati, yung tatlo nasa quezon city, yung isa nasa pampanga, yung isa nasa bataan, yung isa nasa cali, etc.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

comedy at lrt-2

it was a scene that might as well be taken straight out of a movie.

we were at the recto terminal station of lrt-2 violet line, settling down for the train ride home. suddenly, two kids - a girl and a boy probably within the ages of 7 to 9 years old - stepped into the coach just as the doors were about to close.

the p.a. system went taaan - taaaan - taaan and then we heard a heart-piercing collective shriek: "mommmmyyyy!!!!"

the kids left their mom at the terminal station.

the whole train was now faced with two crying kids with nothing on them but the clothes on their back, their shoes, and the knowledge that they were supposed to get off the other end of the route - the santolan terminal station.

anyone could understand why the kids would cry their eyes out. we tried to pacify them at that time and said that their mom would most likely meet them at the terminal station. we even offered to be at their side while they wait for their mom on the next train. the kids were later escorted to the front of the coach after their mom reported it to the station.

all i could do while all this was happening was to try my darnedest to suppress my laughter. the sisters at the convent have done their best to instil the notion that good catholic school girls do not laugh at others' misfortunes but i guess this time the constant exposure to mr. bean and chinese slapstick films took the better of me. i suppose it could count as a moment of weakness. at least i didn't burst out laughing while the kids were in front of us. oh well.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

NOT friends

a few posts back, i shared the lyrics of the song "can we still be friends."

on hindsight, i think the song should have been dan hill's "sometimes when we touch." the line that goes "i'd rather hurt you honestly than mislead you with a lie" just cuts to the bone. as in...

the thing is, i DON'T wanna hold him 'til i die...

i guess one shouldn't readily say things like "can we still be friends." i have since accepted that deep inside, i can never be friends with him... and i do not want to be friends with him. thus the parting words "wag na lang. i'm not interested anymore."

my galpal asked me what i felt when i let him go. was i sad or did i feel like a thorn was plucked out of my heart?

it's the latter... i'm actually relieved.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

hero for a day?

i just got back from an overnight weekend beach getaway off the coast of zambales. it was only by chance that i joined that trip, but it was one of those spontaneous things that would change my life forever.

today, we were given the chance to save the lives of others - one from drowning to death (karla), and the other from an asthma panic attack (jayvee). thank god they're still alive. thank god for the first aid and basic life support training courses. thank god for adrenalin and presence of mind. thank god. period.

let me just say that it was a scary scene of 'baywatch' meets 'the exorcist.' i'm too tired to write about it now because of the mad combo of exhaustion, hang over, and lack of sleep.

meanwhile, here's perry farrell's satellite party playing 'superhero' by jane's addiction.

you might remember this song as the opening theme of the tv show 'entourage.'

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

cheesiness required

here are two versions of my all time favorite love song... err... "love song"

this is 311's cover...

and here is the original release by the cure (album: disintegration)...

hmm... weird video

i'm partial to 311's cover, it's just so... smooth. i also like the cure's original, though.

music + lyrics = all out cheese

according to wikipedia, "Robert Smith originally wrote this song as a gift to his longtime girlfriend, Mary, shortly before their marriage."


(thanks d!)

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

helpless help desk and the internet

i recently bought a sony ericsson k850i 5-megapixel camphone a.k.a. camera that can make calls and send text messages. among the features that made me buy this instead of others are push e-mail and mobile blogging - things that come in handy for a shutterbug... like me for example :P

so there i was all excited and everything, showing off the new camera that could text and make calls. i figured i would need the operator settings to make the most of my phone so i hied off to the nearest smart wireless shop at the mall to get the right configuration to access the internet, picture messages, and blogs. i patiently waited for my turn and when it was time, i explained to the agent that i could access the internet but i have problems using the push e-mail application and receiving MMS.

the agent was kind and accomodating. she borrowed the phone, sent a configuration request and tried it out.

"the internet is working fine," the agent said.

"i know. that's not the problem," i reiterated.

"the problem is that i can't use the push e-mail and send-to-blog features," i added.

the agent took another look at it, went to the back office and returned to me with the same results --- nothing. i asked for help on the other features but it seemed the only phone models they knew by heart are those of nokia. :-(

in the end, i wasted at least 30 minutes of my time with no success. the agent finally suggested, "ma'am try ninyo sa sony ericsson." [ma'am try (going to) sony ericsson's (helpdesk).]

yeah. maybe i should, so i went to SE. ten minutes with nobody at the SE helpdesk made me decide to bolt.

so i tried the SE website, and found the right configuration right then and there --- hence the cat pictures and the less than sane write-ups. but, hey! i finally figured out how to do mobile blogging! i just hope the help desks won't be as helpless next time... and that i have more inspiration to write something interesting even if it was just about cats. :P

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Monday, January 14, 2008

buena mano por semana

mondays are typically not among my fave days but this one is different. i actually like it.

the day started off as manic as the song implied. hello? manic monday? nothing? oh well. i had to come up with a new logo, in less than an hour, based on comments from last week.

being the ADHD that i suspect i was, i could only recall bits and pieces of what was mentioned. looking back on my notebook, all i discovered were mindless scribbles of what a chicken would write if it knew how.

without a decent breakfast to fuel my still groggy neurons, i began talking and asking myself and my colleague about the remarks from last time. which ones do we drop? where do we place the name again? what did he want in place of the locomotive?

when at last the details slowly dawned on me, i began to painstakingly create the vector icons out of common shapes in *gasp* MS Word. success!!! i got myself new icons for an LRT and a becak! i also rearranged the shapes just as agreed! yipee! the friggin document was also finally finished! yehey!

it all went smooth-sailing afterwards that at the end of the day, i decided i should get myself some pampering, just because. i found myself at the salon and had the top stylist retouch the color of my hair, give me a nice new haircut, and have some hair treatment to lock in color and moisture. kudos to the hairdresser who managed to get the perfect color and to the style assistant who gave me a nice massage in between treatments! i'd consider going back to bench fix salon for color retouches and follow up trims.

ahhh... what a way to start the week! :-)

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

a song for my father

'Somewhere over the rainbow - what a wonderful world' by Israel Kamakawiwo-ole is part of the soundtrack of the movie Meet Joe Black. Whenever I hear this song, I remember my dad - the best dad there ever was! Love you dad! We miss you...

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Orange cat

This is one of our housecats. What's interesting about it is that it likes to cuddle.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Puss and orange chillin' on the couch

album art meme

i got this meme from mars.

1. The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
2. The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
3. The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4.Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result as a comment in this post. Also, pass it along in your own journal because it's more amusing that way.

I got the following:
1. Software Peter principle
2. Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914), The Devil's Dictionary: "Bore, n.: A person who talks when you wish him to listen."
3. Photo: Interior I by m.a. wakeley

here goes...


Sunday, January 6, 2008

parallax effect no. 1 - dating

let's admit it. opposite sexes view the world differently.

going on a date with someone means...
- men/boys: other guys cannot date that girl, at least while she's dating him.
- ladies/girls: you're dating him. unless you've established that you're going steady with him and/or you're boyfriend-girlfriend then you're free to see other people.

what are your thoughts?

Friday, January 4, 2008


Todd Rundgren's "Can We Still Be Friends"

We can't play this game anymore
But can we still be friends
Things just cant go on like before
But can we still be friends
We had something to learn
Now its time for the wheel to turn
Grains of sand, one by one
Before you know it's all gone

Let's admit we made a mistake
But can we still be friends
Heartbreaks never easy to take
But can we still be friends
It's a strange, sad affair
Sometimes seems like we just don't care
Don't waste time feeling hurt
We've been through hell together

Can we still get together sometime
You know life will still go on and on and on

We awoke from our dream
Things are not always what they seem
Memories linger on
It's like a sweet, sad old song