Sunday, February 3, 2008


i saw my sister glued to the pc a few nights ago. she was playing this game where a miner hauls gold nuggets, coal, gems and bags of goodies similar to how you do the 'alien catcher' at the games arcade at malls.

i used to play 'alien catcher' at the mall when i was about 10 or 12 years old. back then each token cost around Php5.00 each. there was a time when i blew about php200 worth of tokens but took home only two small fluff toys - a green dinosaur and a pink bunny. i was so happy and proud of my new found skill that when i saw a bigger much cuter fluff toy at the store for about the same prize, i was still very much contented with my loot for the day.

anyways, here is the game that got my sister and me preoccupied for the last couple of days. (see bottom)

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