Thursday, December 11, 2008

\m/ (~,~) back from wolfgang vi: black christmas project

just got back from black christmas project, wolfgang's reunion concert and album launch for their new LP "villains" at eastwood city.

hmm... still giddy as a schoolgirl :D

the place was packed! razorback played a handful of songs before the wolfgang came in for the main act. the gig ended a bit too early (hello? 10 pm!) to make way for the autograph signing but we had fun. it was like high school and college days all over again.

the crowd sang along with basti artadi (vocals) most of the time, except for a few new songs. manuel legarda (guitars) and mon legaspi (bass) let it rip like there's no tomorrow.

it's like 6 years never happened and they never left! in this reunion concert, francis aquino (monkeyspank/loquy) did a fine job filling in for drummer, wolf gemora, at the concert and for their new album.

i got an autographed cd with the kind help of guitarist, manuel legarda, and a picture with him too! not bad at all!

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